Gulf Coast ATM





Q:  How much does the ATM machine cost me?
A:  Nothing.

Q:  Who's money goes into the machine to start?
A:  We fill the machine with our own cash.

Q:  Who refills the machine?
A:  We do.  We provide all refill cash and servicing.

Q:  How do I make money?
A:  You make money two ways.  Most importantly, from profits on increased sales in your store and, secondly, from a portion of the surcharge fee.

Q:  What about profits on increased sales?
A:  Typically, an ATM patron will spend 25-50% (or more) of his withdrawal at the merchant's store.  The exact amount of increased profits will depend on the traffic through your store, and the number of customers that utilize the ATM service (see the "atm economics" page for examples and estimate your potential earnings).

Q:  How much will I make from fees?
A:  Our basic plan pays you $1.00 for each surchargable transaction conducted, after the first 100 each month.  (example:  400 transactions during month = $300 paid to you...based on an ATM fee of $2.50 per transaction.)

Q:  What if the machine has a problem?
A:  We respond to service calls within 24 hours.  (often < 1 hour)

Q:  What if the machine runs out of cash?
A:  We monitor each machine daily for cash levels.  Your machine should not run out of cash.  But, should that occur, simply place a service call to us.

NOTE:  We program our machines to call us if any problems occur (currency jam, machine problem, out of cash), so we should be aware of the problem before you call us.

Q:  What if the machine doesn't give the right amount of cash?
A:  This very rarely happens, but it is possible.  If a situation like this occurs, the customer should call the "For Service Number" on the machine and make a report.  You should also get the customer's name and phone number.  The machine maintains an internal record of exactly what occurred and how much cash was paid out, so resolution of these situations is usually quick and without problem.

Q:  Should I give the customer any cash?
A:  No.  It's not your problem, it is ours.  We will reimburse the customer within 24 hours after the report is processed, if that's the recourse to be taken.  Our goal is to make sure the customer is well cared for and totally satisfied.  That's our commitment to you.

Q:  What if the machine gives out too much cash?
A:  Well, IF you ever hear about that one, please take the cash and report it to us and we'll pick it up.....but, we've never had one of those reported to us...yet.


Q:  So, you're telling me that I can get a machine for FREE...and you will handle everything...including using your own money to fill it...and all I have to do is provide space and a connection to my phone line.  And, that I will GET money in two different NO cost to me?
A:  Yes.

Q:  How do I sign up?  How long does it take to get a machine installed?
A:  Simply call or email us (see Contact page).  Usually we have machines in stock ready for placement. 

Q:  Are you going to try to rope me into some long-term contract?
A:  No. 

The standard contract for most ATM companies is
5 YEARS (that's a long time).  We are different, we believe in a "win-win" situation. 

Our product needs to serve YOU.  If the machine is not serving YOU, then we will be happy to remove it and place it elsewhere. 

We will need a simple "location agreement" to identify the location for the processing company. 

Q:  Are there other services that ATMs provide?
A:  Yes...and no.  Non-bank ATMs do not provide other services now, but will soon.  We feel the main additional service will be "pay-as-you-go cell phone renewal".  For this reason, Gulf Coast ATM has chosen TRANAX ATM machines.  TRANAX is the leader in the remote ATM industry, and will be first to provide these additional services to you and your customers.


Gulf Coast ATM:  We are not the biggest ATM company, and we may not be able to boast 1000's of installations, but we CAN do one thing:

We CAN benefit YOU. 

We WILL work WITH you.

We are offering YOU an OPPORTUNITY, at no cost to you.

Let us SHOW you what we can do.

Call or email us today.  See the "Contact Us" page,
or call  985-882-7705.

Gulf Coast ATM = BENEFIT$ no cost to you.




©Coypright 2003-2012, Gulf Coast ATM LLC, All Rights Reserved